7: Necrons (new) 4: Chaos Daemons (new) Last update was at 2012/12/28 08:02:04, This message was edited 3 times. Imperial Fists - 2000 Points - posted in Codex: Space Marines Army Lists: After the great discussion in the Fists subforum, Ive tried to include a handful of ideas together into one dual battalion list. 10: Asuryani -5. Players can use the BCP Player App for iOS or Android to quickly look at pairings, lists, and tournament results from any event they attend, and with a subscription players can see details, and lists, from any event around the world and earn credit toward exclusive discounts for tickets and merchandise. . I will mainly be playing against Deathwing, Necrons, Eldar and Space Wolves. Take a look at who’s winning, losing and this week’s top championship list in 40K – brought to you by BCP. 5: Imperial Knights -3 Being a part of the oldest wargaming community on the net. 2000 point ITC Imperial Knight List. We are also tracking how many weeks they have been in that position starting in September of 2018. 7: Necrons (new) Screamer/flamer are not that efficient vs metal bawkses. Everything else is.... manageable. I'm not sure I absolutely need that tool. This sub is actively moderated and curated, and has a very narrow definition for permitted content. This message was edited 1 time. Sorry, but just throwing random units together doesn't make a good list. But, this list will more than likely be facing Deathwing the most. Total: 2000 points. Email notifications for threads you want to watch closely. Bad dice blues... Oh noes!!! OK, lets hear from you generals in the comments. Leman Russes from the Armored Battlegroup list can be good allies in an all-guard list. Games Workshop: Ruining Chaos Space Marines since 2007, 'I've played Guard for years, and the best piece of advice is to always utilize the Guard's best special rule: "we roll more dice than you" ' - stormleader. Best list for guard are either mech or foot guard(gunline seems best for foot guard rather than power blobs running up). With around 250 extra points to play around with, you can either afford to bring in some Crusaders to pack more damage, upgrade every knight with a carapace weapon, or take 3 Gallants (the cheapest Knights) to bring 5 knights in a 1750 game. Masters of the Wasteland (09-29-20), The Lost Grand Fyrd of the Kromidrakk Lodge, 9th Ed GT Missions Breakdown - Secondaries. Hey everyone! The chaplain would be easiest. 3: Adeptus Astartes +1 Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Best faction there is! I would like to keep the list to being all Lord of War models, but would not mind mixing in assassins or Forge World stuff. Modifiée il y a 8 h. ... [2000 points] 2000 pts V9 test 19/08/2020 Par Tirdanlta. Welcome to The Bolter and Chainsword Register now to gain access to all of our features. Then you can bash people's planes (perhaps after charging an impulsor in to eat overwatch) which would be a useful extra trick to have. One suggestion would be to see if you can get some kind of character with a jump pack. So out on your armchair general’s hat and let’s dive into the data, brought to us by Best Coast Pairings. Reading and understanding the rules is important, and the responsibility of every user. Death Guard – A 1750pt pure DG list put together by TheChirurgeon for 9th testing, notably featuring Mortarion, 2 PBCs, Plague Marines and various Terminators. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle, Camo cloak, . 40k List. Crazed Spirit of the Defiler I see guard as really one of the best and most versatile armies in 40k if not the most, they literally have an answer for almost any threat at reasonable point costs. Primaris Lieutenant: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle, This is not recommended for shared computers. Posted by 1 year ago. This gives a global view of what is popular and being played out there in the competitive scene: These are additionally color-coded with position deltas from the previous week. Check out the results below. Close. You currently have javascript disabled. The chaplain doesn't work too well in an impulsor, due to needing to be on the board to use his litanies, but he needs a way to keep up. 2. What are Best Imperial Guard Lists & Tactics at the 2000 point level? After the great discussion in the Fists subforum, I've tried to include a handful of ideas together into one dual battalion list. 2000 point ITC Imperial Knight List.
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