EDT provides the out-of-hours emergency response for children/young people and adults who reside in Calderdale. When two EDT workers are on duty, they should be rung alternately unless they have advised the Community Wardens to do otherwise. Children and Young People and Adult Social Care Service Managers operate a rota and are on-call to provide decision making. The Community Warden should contact the EDT worker immediately on receipt of a call. People without internet/ computer access CMBC posted a leaflet that showed a phone number to call, that has gone to ALL households in Calderdale. If the situation is likely to take 3 to 4 hours to resolve and the Community Wardens have informed the worker that there are other calls waiting the EDT worker should ring the callers to make a preliminary assessment of the need for action. The service can provide an appropriate response when: Referrals may be made to the EDT by members of the public, statutory agencies, voluntary organisations and the community sector. The caller should be … 103 (29.94%) of local authorities perform better than Calderdale. The EDT worker make an initial telephone call to the referrer, the purpose of which is to assess in more detail: When the calls have been prioritised, the EDT worker will determine the order in which the referrals will be actioned. Map of the Calderdale Area. Council Tax, Business Rates, Benefit overpayments, Miscellaneous invoices and, Parking services. If they have not heard from the duty worker within these timescales the Community Wardnes should contact the duty worker on the mobile phone in an attempt to confirm their safety. Get it sorted online – Did you know you can access many Council services direct from the Council website? Phone or email Telephone our Customer First Contact Centre to speak to our dedicated team of Customer Care Advisers. Phone number : 01422393989. Weekends: 5.00 pm Friday to 8.45 am Monday; and. Section I: Contracting authority. Contact Calderdale Council. As more children head back to school this week, we want to answer some of your frequently asked questions about their safe return. The number 01422 392890 goes to a specific line, designated for… EDT workers will check the EDT team inbox E-mails at the start of their shift. Including:- Reporting issues such as potholes, stray dogs or fly tipping. If a young person is in police cells, the Youth Offending Team should be emailed by 9 am. There is also a need to include actions that the day team can follow up. In respect of Children and Young People Services, every call passed to the EDT worker and the actions taken will be recorded on the council’s electronic recording system (CASS) under a ‘Daily Records’ tab if the case is open. This action will ensure that day time services are identified. There may also be a need for the EDT worker to contact the senior Children's/ Adult’s Social Care Manager on duty. The free alternative or geographic telephone number to call Calderdale Council (linked to the premium rate phone number 08452458000) is included on your calls if you ring from an inclusive landline call package and … The Out of Hours Document must be completed by the relevant Social Worker and approved by Senior Manager within Children and Young People Services and / or Adults Services prior to being emailed to EDT. This number is in addition to the usual G2C number, which is still fully operational and as busy as ever. Local offices Visit your local council office and speak to one of our advisers. It clarifies the process for transferring information to and from the Emergency Duty Team and Children and Young People Services and explains the procedure for ensuring the safety of EDT workers on visits. It is the responsibility of the Children and Young People Services teams to ensure that electronic case files and all relevant information is updated as per guidance/procedures to assist EDT to be able to undertake their role and function and ensure they can follow up any appropriate actions and decisions out of hours. Is there anything wrong with this website? Calderdale has a population of 201,800. 240 (69.77%) of local authorities perform worse than Calderdale. Advertisement. That a Community Warden or other professional attends with them; Where the assessment by the EDT worker is that accommodation of the child/ young person into the care of the Local Authority is required; A change in placement for a Child Looked After; Complex child protection cases where senior management guidance is required; Cases that may attract media attention or are high profile; Adults who may require emergency placements, including respite.

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