This is the article for you. If approved, choose a payment period, then select the “Send my loan” button. Pick the one you feel comfortable with. Tala Mkopo Rahisi, as it was formerly known, has a reliable and fast loan disbursement application. Paying promptly Tala loans allows you to borrow up to 50,000 shillings. NOTE: Remember that we do not ask for any kind of advances and that the only way to make your request is through the application. If your registration process was a success, you will receive a confirmation notification. But before we dive in, a little background information about Tala. Afterwards you need to create an account and answers a few questions that will determine whether you can qualify for a loan or not. Early or on-time payments may help your ability to be approved for a higher loan amount in the future! You can use your friend’s phone but remember to use your phone number as the account number.
If you qualify to get the loan, you can choose to repay in two installments within a month or the full amount at the end of the month. Once approved, congratulations! Proceed to the last loan application process. The initial loan limit of Tala is standing at KSHS. Keep using Tala and you may qualify for larger loans by making on time payments. OUR BUSINESS HOURS ARE FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 9 TO 5 (except holidays). Looking for a convenient way to immediately apply for a cash loan?
Tala app allows you to apply for a loan, to repay the loan and best of all to know your loan repayment schedule right from the start. Follow these steps… Step-by-step. Visit to check out our FAQs Ready to get started? ; Click Next after each step until you’re through. Want to know the most convenient way to repay your loan? 16,999, How Kenyan student innovators can apply to the Red Bull Basement 2020, Kenyan students compete to represent Sub Saharan Africa in Huawei’s Global ICT Competition, How to get Showmax for free as a DStv Premium customer, How Dstv customers can get a 50% discount on Showmax standard, Remy Martin teams up with King Kaka in new campaign, 15 places you can get quick loans in Kenya, How to withdraw money from PayPal to M-Pesa in Kenya, 24 places in Nairobi where you can hang out for under Ksh. Keep in mind that early or on-time payments may help increase your ability to be approved for a higher loan limit. Tala is one of the leading finance app here in Kenya.
You will be asked to choose the repayment period and there are two: between 21 and 30 days. The amounts range from 500 to 5,000 pesos. Required fields are marked *. With Tala, you can apply for a loan starting from P1,000.00 up to P10,000.00!
have a problem with my account Sign up directly in the Tala app, and fill out your personal information to apply for your first loan. 50,000.