I have also had good luck with toys are us. I added some flames and a bit of OSL on the wreckage.
Converted the mask to look like it had been ‘opened’ to give a better view. A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets. The top hatch door is the only place they really meet up and I’m pretty pleased with the way they turned out. Being a part of the oldest wargaming community on the net.
I would sugest starting with a knight gun mount. You’ll notice one of her eye lenses is cracked, and I figure in this moment she’s opened the mask to allow the secondary sensors to come into play as she acquires a new target. She repainted this mural on the tilting shield to honor the indomitable spirit of her suit. Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought.
I didn’t do much on here, bar some damage effects. Here’s a little servo skull I added as a sort of rear-view mirror. I debated about whether it should be in the front or back of the weapon. I’ve developed a friendly rivalry over the years. Orcs; Changed Legions; Chaos Space Knights; Plague Legions; Pleasure Legions; Space Knights; Space Elves; Guards; Counters; Page 1 2 3... 6 total products: 279. I bought the Imperial Knight kit the day it came out. I think the repose gives her a distinctly unique profile. Ages ago, I got my buddy into 40K and he usually plays Necrons. I then started in on the paint scheme with some quick and dirty photoshop color swaps. Over many centuries of service it had been repainted and added to, eventually coming to represent the machine spirit of the Knight itself. Full tracking of what you have read so you can skip to your first unread post, easily see what has changed since you last logged in, and easily see what is new at a glance. Price range from to details. I’d already done a lot of planning and brainstorming before I the model even came out. Last update was at 2015/07/03 18:44:12, I'm curious if any other sites produce conversion bits for Imperial Knights. These parts have all been lovingly designed, hand made and cast by myself. Start Collecting! It’s held up with a simple paper clip curved into shape to make it look like the skull is floating and it’s just hanging between.
I’d like to present some full shots, and then I’ll dig in with detail bits. I greenstuffed the flames themselves and painted them normally. Big wall anchors or the such would work. It’s a fairly subtle conversion that I expect some folks might miss, but I like it’s one of my favorite elements.
Will be awesome to have some drill arms on them instead of the typical chainswords everywhere.
details. read as much of the fluff as I could ahead of time and did some work on my concept. I did a bunch of work, but in a nutshell I cut the thing as though Mordent had carved it in half, then added crushed bits, melting necrodermis, flames, green-tinted oil bleeding from some spots, glowing ichor from the severed barrel of the gun, and little guts-bits inside the empty holes. The main parts of interest are individual conversion sets for female Imperial Guard. I damaged both of the exhaust stacks a little, thinking the heat shrouding on them would be a bit mare fragile since it’s spaced a bit. http://www.spikeybits.com/2015/03/3d-bits-iron-werewolf-knight-titan.html, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/713937.page. I made sure to add a kink to the barrel where the toe is pressing down on it. These are the people she’s sworn to protect. The Emerald Canticle Gallery The Emerald Canticle P&M Twitch Live Painting : 2015/06/30 15:03:05 Subject: Imperial Knight 3rd Party Bits? Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. The ‘cells’ would be colored in black on the yellow side, and then outline would be colored yellow on the black side. From shop LegioModels. Might not look like much, but if you look carefully you can see the outline of the Imperial Aquila symbol that’s been pried off. I didn’t want to go crazy and take away from the model, but it was a good chance to tie in with the bases for my marines which feature flames once in a while. It’s been so much fun to work on this project, and it’s by far the most ambitious thing I’ve ever done.
Yea that's what I was considering, its just finding a drill-looking part.
Sometimes you can find a cheap toy with the part you want. I imagine these things rattle themselves apart on the regular and it takes a lot of work to keep them together over the years. I also used a pliers to add a bit of damage to make it look like she stomped on it a couple of times. Any advice?