TIM d.o.o. Even in the small villages locals arrange their own parades, don fancy dress and are often pulled around on a trailer by a tractor, stopping at all the houses where the old ladies will fill you up with food and locally made Schnapps. Paradiso Dei Golosi Di Marseu Daniele & Zanone Gabriella, Apartment house in Triglav national park, Tolmin, Apartment house in Triglav National Park, Zadlaz, hise LEBAN : Leban self-cattering holiday house, 2 bedroom stone cottage in emerald Soca Valley. Once caught, the monsters playfully “beat” the boys with stockings stuffed with ash, dramatically filling the air with clouds of smoke.

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Here is everything you need to know about celebrating at Kurentovanje! There’s food to sample, of course, and not just stew, with plenty of local delicacies along with wine and homemade spirits. The biggest and scariest costumes come in the form of the Kurentovanje  (koo-rahn-toh-VAHN-yay). more, Create a Trip to save and organize all of your travel ideas, and see them on a map. However, it does take time to put together, and money to travel to locations. V pustni pojedini ne sme manjkati mastnih krofov, flancatov, krvavic, pečenic, zelja in repe. Maškare praznujejo pustno nedeljo in pustni torek. Krofe pokrijemo in jih spet postavimo na toplo, da počasi vzhajajo. “Pust is one of the oldest [continuously observed] rituals,” says Janez Bogataj, a Slovenian ethnographer. Like a springtime welcome wagon, the “Beautiful Ones” (depicted as newlyweds, doctors, and other characters) visit homes, offering gifts and indulging in shots of homemade schnapps. Slovenia is small country, about the size of wales, and easy to get to. Booking.com This is the story of the oldest gostilna-style restaurant in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Local legend tells of witches who lived on the nearby hill of Slivnica and were responsible for the stormy weather and fog surrounding the hill.

(English Subtitles), Slovenia on Film: Vesna - Ljubljana in 1953 (Full Video), Three-Bedroom Luxury Apartment in Prule, Ljubljana, Luxury Apartment, in the Heart of Ljubljana’s Cultural Quarter, Stay in Nebotičnik, Slovenia’s First Skyscraper, Cheap Home, Great Views, Some Assembly Required. Na sredo testa damo žlico borovničeve, breskove ali kakšne druge marmelade, ter čez položimo drugi krof. Ptuj lies in the eastern part of Slovenia. Mist rises around the rivers and valleys of western Slovenia, creating an atmospheric setting for the start of Shrovetide, a festival similar to Carnival. The capital, Ljubljana is in the centre and so most of these places are within an hour’s drive. Če so pečeni, preverimo tako, da jih potrkamo po spodnji strani. Mist rises from a cave on the hill (the witches cave), the result of condensation inside, but was once believed to be smoke from the witches’ cooking pot. Kljub temu, da je pust čas rajanja in pustnih pojedin, vseeno vmes pojejmo kakšen zelenjavni obrok, da ne bomo prehitro pridobili kakšen odvečen kilogram. As night descends on Ravenski Pust, the “Ugly Ones” gather around a bonfire, where the villagers burn “Pust,” a straw doll that embodies winter.


Kurentovanje in … “I’ll explain it this way,” says Blaž Rakušček, the president of Ravenski Pust, “if my final exams at school fell on Pust, I’d rather engage in Pust and have to redo the academic year.” Noah Charney is a freelance writer, best-selling author, and Pulitzer finalist, who lives in Slovenia.

The price remains the same if you buy. Once again, among others, a giant dragon is pulled through the streets on a large float and the streets come alive with locals in fancy dress, music, food and dancing. All the money raised from the potatoes and stew competition will be collected by the Lions Club and given to disadvantaged families and individuals. Z donacijo Društvu prijateljev mladine (DPM) Maribor boste pomagali družinam v socialni in ekonomski stiski.

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