Die zehn wichtigsten europäischen Vorfahren sind: Schwarze machen einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung von Queens aus.
This is worse than average. Schwarze konzentrieren sich hauptsächlich auf die Stadtteile Southeast Queens in Südjamaika , Springfield Gardens , Hollis , Laurelton , Cambria Heights , Locust Manor , St. Albans , Rosedale und Far Rockaway . Queens County, New York's estimated population is 2,242,990 with a growth rate of -0.79% in the past year according to the most recent United States census data.Queens County, New York is the 2nd largest county in New York. Im Jahr 2005 lag das Durchschnittseinkommen der schwarzen Haushalte in Queens bei fast 52.000 USD pro Jahr und übertraf das der Weißen.

Schwarze machten 18,8% der Bevölkerung von Queens aus, von denen 17,6% nicht-hispanische Schwarze waren. Darüber hinaus identifizierten sich 23.527 Personen in der Umfrage als "Afrikaner südlich der Sahara", was 1,0% der Bevölkerung entspricht. Birthplace of: Christopher Walken - (born 1943), actor, Bob Costas - (born 1952), sports commentator, broadcaster, talk show host, Hank Azaria - (born 1964), comedian, Cyndi Lauper - (born 1953), singer, John Frusciante - (born 1971), musician ("The Red Hot Chili Peppers"), Martin Scorsese - (born 1942), movie director, Al Roker - (born 1954), television presenter, Charlie Villanueva - NBA player (Toronto Raptors, born: Aug 24, 1984), Chris Baker - 2005 NFL player (New York Jets, born: Nov 18, 1979), Jim Mecir - 2005 Major League Baseball player (Florida Marlins, born: May 16, 1970). This is significantly better than average. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Queens is 38,597 to 1. This section compares the 50 most populous of those to each other, Queens, and other entities that contain or substantially overlap with Queens. Total of 54 patent applications in 2008-2020. facts("Queens-New-York","Queens","Add new facts and correct factual errors about Queens, New York"); City-data.com does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.

This section compares Queens to the 50 most populous county subdivisions in the New York Area and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Queens.
Growth in these areas represents up to a 5% increase in population. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.

There are 1,101,686 male residents living in Queens and 1,166,258 female residents. It  will not be shared with 3rd parties, and will only be used to contact you with information about Queens: Planning for the Future. Nach Schätzungen der Volkszählung von 2012 waren 27,2% der Bevölkerung Weiße , 20,9% Schwarze oder Afroamerikaner, 24,8% Asiaten , 12,9% einer anderen Rasse und 2,7% von zwei oder mehr Rassen. The population of the Region of Queens is concentrated along the coastline and through the eastern side of the Region’s boundary, primarily clustered around major roadways. Closest monitor was 1.5 miles away from the city center.

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