The measures are designed not only to protect our health, but also to protect people's jobs and livelihoods and to minimise the impact on self-employed people, small and medium-sized enterprises and major companies. However, it is clear that these measures will have a significant impact on businesses, ranging from self-employed people to major companies, in all industries. Research by property management organisation VGM suggests rents rose by an average of 1.4% per m2 in the second quarter of the year, compared with the year-earlier period. Together, we’ll keep corona under control. Am 24. (function () { Under the newly announced measures, billions of euros will be invested into the economy every month, for as long as necessary. (Archiv), Holländische Städte führen Maskenpflicht ein, Urlaub in Österreich - was erlaubt ist und was nicht, Urlaub in Kroatien - diese Regeln gelten jetzt für Reisende, Urlaub in Italien - diese Regeln gelten für Reisende, Urlaub in Europa trotz Corona - wo noch Reisewarnungen gültig sind, „Kommt bitte nicht am Wochenende nach Amsterdam“, Bundesweit höchste Corona-Kennzahl in Hamm, Das ist über die „Superspreading-Hochzeit“ in NRW bekannt, Stadt Hamm verbietet erste Familienfeiern, Nach dem Sex lüften - immer neue Kleidung, Diese Proteste plant „Fridays for Future“ heute in NRW, Diese neuen Regeln gelten für Shisha-Bars in NRW, Reisewarnung für Teile der Niederlande – das müssen Urlauber wissen, Gesundheitsminister bietet Stadt Hilfe an, Duisburg prüft Einführung von Maskenpflicht im öffentlichen Raum, Urlaub in Frankreich - diese Regeln gelten für Reisende, Anti-Corona-Demonstration findet ohne Maskenpflicht statt, Corona-Lage in Garmisch-Partenkirchen entspannt sich, Welche Martinszüge ausfallen – und welche nicht, 86-Jährige wird tot in ihrem Garten in Bonn gefunden, Mann fährt Mädchen an und hinterlässt erfundene Handynummer, „Wer ‚Einzelfall’ in den Mund nimmt, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen“, NRW-Kommunen drehen häufig an der Steuerschraube, Gutachter sieht Behandlungsfehler bei Düsseldorfer Schönheitschirurg, Hunderte Strohballen in Brand - 150.000 Euro Schaden, Zum Hauptmenü springen (Drücken Sie Enter). Landlords can issue a rent increase notice now to take effect after 25 September, subject to the usual notice requirements. ‘The main thing we’re trying to do is make sure that people know where to get the right information,’ says Lugtigheid, pointing to the main government website,  RIVM (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport), and their own news page as key resources. But for expats like Chen from further afield, it’s been a real test of strength. Seit dem 1. Advice and information on the new coronavirus. The scheme will allow the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to help small and medium-sized enterprises by guaranteeing 50% of the amount of their bank loans and bank guarantees (between €1.5 million and €50 million per company). I think we’re going to see that people who just come to do a job will discover that people can do jobs virtually and don’t have to come.’, But migrants like Chen, attracted to the expat way of life, will never stop coming, she says. Tenants are still being given rent increases. I hope for many more', Going green: the bunq community plants one million trees in Madagascar, DutchNews podcast – The Towering Humiliation Edition – Week 38, Bored with broodjes? In Rotterdam and The Hague, however, the price per m2 fell by around 3.5% to €13.22 and €13.29 respectively.

At Vesteda, 27 thousand rental properties, rents will increase by an average of 2.5 percent. If you have not yet made a donation, but would like to, you can do so via Ideal, credit card or Paypal. Non-residents with a Dutch employer are only taxable on the Dutch days worked; so if they work remotely, they remain – in principle – subject to tax in their home country and cannot really profit from the 30% ruling in the Netherlands. if (window.park.device.isMobile()) { investigates the situation for expats trying to relocate during the corona crisis and the support and information that is available to them. Mai erlaubt, beispielsweise Fußball aber nicht. Auf dieser Seite findest du Informationen zur derzeitigen Situation und nützliche Links zu relevanten Informationsquellen. Research by property management organisation VGM suggests rents rose by an average of 1.4% per m2 in the second quarter of the year, compared with the year-earlier period. 29% more rental properties had been put on the market. At the same time, there was a 13.5% rise in the number of new contracts being agreed in Q2. Many thanks to everyone who has donated to in recent days! Juli wieder in die beliebten holländischen Feriengebiete reisen.

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