Procedure for applying Thevenin's theorem This theorem state that any two terminal network containing voltage source and current source , can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of an voltage source, In above circuit , first  calculate current, Superposition Theorem in Electrical Network, Face Clean-Up at Home: A Step-By-Step Guide, Top 10 Important Things While Writing Blog Post. Now appy KVL in each loop. from the open terminal A and B. Of the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit. Step 4: Find the individual Loops.
There is nothing extra to discuss Thevenin Theorem as it so simple. Similarly, in case of superposition theorem each time the load resistance RL is changed, the entire circuit has to be analyzed all over again. [as you are in the loop 1, consider I1 > I2, through 6 ohm resistor (I1 – I2) current will flow in] Steps to be followed to apply the Thevenin’s theorem :

To understand Thevenin Theorem let us take a simple example of a resistive active circuit as shown below.Here first we will disconnect the load from the circuit and then measure the voltage across the terminals of the circuit. from the open terminal A and B. Step 2: View back into the open circuited network i.e. [There is no current through 2 ohm resistor just connected to terminal A] Step 2: View back into the open circuited network i.e. The current values of loop1 and loop 2 are added together. Subscribe to electronics-Tutorial email list and get Cheat Sheets, latest updates, tips & Connect RL across AB terminal. After going through the following examples we can better understand the theorem further. A simple circuit as shown in above figure is considered to illustrate the concept of equivalent circuit and it is always possible to view even a very complicated circuit in terms of much simpler equivalent source and load circuits. Assume this VTh connected across A and B terminal. Step 1 :Remove the branch, the current through which is to be obtained. [there is no current through 2ohm resistor just connected to terminal A] Step 3 :Obtain RTH between the open circuited points.

Let us start journey as per marked path by Red Color. This open circuit voltage is also known as Thevenin Voltage. Calculate equivalent resistance of the circuit, i.e. Now follow the steps one by one. You often find them mixed together in many texts. This theorem state that any two terminal network containing voltage source and current source , can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of an voltage source Vth in series with an impedance Rth, Where Vth is an open circuited voltage between terminals of network and Rth is impedance calculated between terminal of network, by help of thevenin theorem ,above electrical network N1 can be represented as, Thevenin equivalent circuit of above network, In above circuit , first  calculate current  in impedance  by using mesh analysis and after that calculate current  in impedance  by using thevenin theorem , if these current will be same ()  then thevenin theorem will be proved, STEP(1): calculation of load current  in load  by using mesh analysis, for Mesh1 ( contains Z1,Z2 and E ) : suppose in mesh1 current flow is I1, for Mesh2 ( contains Z2,Z3 and ) suppose in mesh2 current flow is I2, E= (Z1+Z2)I1 – Z2                                     eq(1), (Z3++Z2) – Z2I1  =0                            eq(2), = EZ2/( Z1Z3+Z1+Z1Z2+Z2Z3+Z2)       eq(3), STEP(2): calculation of load current ( ) in load  by using Thevenin theorem, (1) Calculation for Vth: remove the load  and find the voltage across open circuited terminals as shown in figure below, Voltage across open circuited terminal will be, (2) Calculation for Rth : for calculation of Rth first make voltage source E short circuited and calculate equivalent resistance  across open circuited terminal as figure shown below, (3) Calculation of current  in  :  in thevenin equivalent circuit as shown below. Now the value of ZTh = -1∠0o/I3 ohm. Now by applying KVL again, we can write that Would love to help you out Mebin – do you mind linking to the image you’re referencing? Calculate total Voltage that you have faced during journey.

For the loop 2, Subsequently the reduction of computational complexity that involves in solving the current through a branch for different values of load resistance (R) is also discussed. It is the open circuit voltage measured at the two terminals of interest with the load impedance ZL removed. In the Thevenin theorem problem section, while applying KVL, the current direction on both loop is taken clockwise.
VTH or VOC is called as the Thevenin's equivalent voltage. For the loop 1, Full disclaimer here.

• Mesh current method needs 3 equations to be solved Step-6: Reconnect the original load to the Thevenin voltage circuit as shown in figure; the load's voltage, current and power may be calculated by a simple arithmetic operation only. The proof of the theorem is out of the scope of usual circuit theory courses. Apply KVL (Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law) and find out loop current. Power absorbed by the load © 2017 Guru Ghantaal. If the solution for current (I) or voltage (V) or power (P) in any component of network is desired, in such cases the whole circuit need to be analyzed each time with the change in component value. The measured or calculated equivalent resistance of the circuit across the terminals is called Thevenin Equivalent resistance.

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